Hearing God’s Call to Prayer
By: Bishop Arthur F. Mosley
When I was in elementary school many, many years ago, we did not have the technology students have today. There were no cell phones, smart TV’s, or personal computers. There was an antiquated intercom system, used for announcements and to call students to come to the office, which was only heard in the building. In addition, one of the things I clearly remember that is not in use today is that gold colored metal bell with a black wooden handle. The teacher would ring that bell to call us as students to gather. The ringing of the bell called us to transition from recess or play time on the school yard. It signaled the message that it was time to start our learning for the day. The ringing of that bell was a call to leave what we were doing and to move to something else. The sound alone was a clear call for us to make a change. The sound alone communicated a clear message. Remember, there was no verbal call, only the ringing of the bell. So, we responded to the call of the bell.
In a similar way, God rings the bell. His ringing also indicates for us to stop something, start something else, and make timely and necessary transitions. Perhaps we are to stop ignoring Him or stop complaining. Not always using an audible voice, He rings the bell, calling us to prayer. He has many bells for calling us to prayer. For example, He performs a miracle or blesses us with a job. This is a call to prayer, a prayer of thanksgiving. You are in need, perhaps financial. This is a call to prayer; pray for provision. You are facing sickness. This is a call to prayer; pray for healing. As you can see, the call to pray can come from something positive happening or something negative.
We must not ignore the most important and power call to prayer. That is, there is a clear call to prayer in God’s Word. The Bible is full of these calls. Here are a few of them:
Luke 18:1
And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Do you hear God’s call to prayer in the above passages? For me, the call to prayer is clear. The call is for us to be faithful in prayer. God wants us to pray. He expects us to pray. We need to pray. What is prayer? Well, prayer is talking to God. It is communication with God for yourself or on behalf of another. We make these petitions and request humbly and sincerely. You can pray anywhere and at any time.
Is it possible that God is using something you are experiencing now as a call for you to pray, ringing the prayer-bell? Perhaps your success and victories are a call for you to pray a prayer of thanksgiving. On the other hand, it is possible that your trials and challenges are a call for you to pray for healing, provision, or opportunities. What are you facing right now that could be a call to prayer? Take a moment and write it down. Take a moment and pray. He wants to spend time with you and to hear from you!